Children gain a wealth of experience in writing for different audiences and purposes and all writing is linked to the focus book children are studying in English. Writing outcomes are mapped out in every year group so that children revisit key genres and practise their writing skills. Modelled and shared writing is used frequently in lessons in order for children to learn the process of writing, and so they can observe and hear the teacher's explanations. After writing independently, the children are given opportunities to edit their work, through peer and self assessment as well as in response to teacher feedback. This editing process is modelled and supported with a range of resources. A final piece of writing is then produced so that the children can take pride in their work and see a finished product for a specific purpose.
Writing genres are also revisited through cross curricular work to allow children to fully embed the knowledge and skills they have learnt.
A high importance is placed on learning and understanding new vocabulary, often from the high quality texts that are used in English lessons. New vocabulary is displayed in classrooms and the children are encouraged to use it when speaking and writing.
Grammar and punctuation plays a key part in learning to write. Children are taught grammar skills within English lessons, when they have the opportunity to practise these skills. They are then expected to apply what they have learnt within their own writing.
Handwriting is taught throughout school and high standards are promoted, modelled and reinforced in all written work.