Who should I speak to regarding concerns I have about my child?
Every class teacher is responsible for the progress of the children in his/her class, including those who require additional support. It is therefore the class teacher that parents should initially approach if they have concerns about their child’s progress or well-being.
Should parents need further information and advice they can make an appointment, via the school office, to meet with the SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) – Mrs Laura Ben-Ali
The SENCO works with the Senior Leadership Team, head teacher and governing body in determining how SEND is catered for within the school, and how additional support is provided for children with SEND.
The Leadership Team and SENCO meet at regular points throughout the year with each class teacher in order to monitor the progress of all children in the school. This allows for further expertise and resources to be allocated if need be. This is then reported and discussed with the governing body.