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St Thomas' Church of England
Primary & Nursery School


The Computing Curriculum at St Thomas'




At St Thomas’, we have devised a bespoke high-quality computing curriculum that meets the needs of all of our children, whilst upholding our ethos of excellence. We have recognised the importance that computing has in a world where technology, which is continuously evolving and improving, is fundamental to everyday life. We realise that St Thomas’ pupils will need to have the computing abilities required to set them up for their future lives and careers in our ever-changing digital world. The Computing curriculum is organised coherently ensuring children build upon their knowledge and skills year upon year. 


Experiences and Life Skills


We have recognised that our pupils have regular access to digital devices, such as tablets, but not all children have access to a desktop computer. With this in mind, we have mapped out the computing curriculum to include a wide range of hardware and software, guaranteeing that they have the skills needed for their futures. The computing curriculum introduces children to a range of hardware and software to broaden their knowledge and skills, allowing them to apply their learned skills thorough a range of different means. 


Celebrate Diversity


Our curriculum is inclusive, with provisions and resources available, ensuring that every pupil can access the subject. When appropriate, children will be introduced to significant STEM individuals who have had an impact on the technology we use today, such as Ada Lovelace.


Christian Values


The teaching of internet safety runs through the computing curriculum, allowing our children to develop their moral compass and be responsible users of ICT. When teaching Internet Safety, we will always make the connection back to St Thomas’ core Christian Values of respect, friendship, peace, responsibility, thankfulness and compassion.

Sometimes during computing the children may be asked to work with others, or offer feedback on a project completed by a peer. It is important that children uphold our Christian values of friendship and respect, whilst giving honest and constructive feedback. 


Reading and Vocabulary


We explicitly teach subject-specific vocabulary for the children to learn and apply, these will be referred to throughout lessons and are documented on a subject knowledge organiser for the pupils to refer back to. Computing vocabulary has been planned to ensure progression throughout the school.


Knowledge Rich and Academic


The computing curriculum ensures that all of the children leave school with a secure knowledge and thinking skills of the three main strands that underpin computing: computer science, digital literacy and information technology. There will be a focus during lessons on correct use of terminology and definitions of STAR words, as vocabulary is at the heart of our St Thomas’ curriculum.


The curriculum is progressive and builds upon prior knowledge and skills taught throughout the year groups. Our aim is that by the time all children leave St Thomas’ they are competent and creative users of information and communication technology, who can confidently analyse and solve problems involving a wide range of different technologies.

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Contact Us

Kenyons Lane, Lydiate
Liverpool, Merseyside, L31 0BP

Telephone: 0151 531 9955
