How does the school teach children with SEND and how is the curriculum adapted to each child’s needs?
Our provision includes:
- Quality First inclusive teaching with appropriate, targeted differentiation in place, for example:
- differentiated learning materials
- use of a range of teaching and learning styles
- Access to ICT/Technology
- Flexible peer groupings (small group work)
- Appropriate adaptations to the learning environment e.g. appropriate seating plan, independent work stations, hand rails.
- Proven interventions that have been identified to achieve specific targets, e.g. pre/post teaching of curriculum content/vocabulary.
- Additional focused support from a teacher/teaching assistant in/out of class. This should be purposeful, with the ultimate aim to develop the pupil’s independence and maximise pupils contact with his/her class teacher.
- Encouraging/involving pupils in the wider life of the school e.g. after school enrichment activities e.g. drama/music/sport clubs
Some of the interventions that we have found to be effective in helping children to make accelerated progress are the following:
- Read Write Inc, (phonics One to one)
- Precision Teaching
- NELI (speech and language)
- Counselling
- Lego Therapy
- Pre/post teaching of lesson objectives/content
- Handwriting
- Maths No Problem - Lesson Review
- Success @ Arithmetic