School Council
What is a school council?
A school council is a group of students, two from each year group, who are elected annually to represent the views of all pupils and ensure their school is the best possible place to learn. The delegated children from each class will work with Mrs Prince to discuss specific areas of school life and think about how they can be improved.
What have the school council achieved?
Over recent years the school have achieved a lot. Some of these achievements include:
A healthy eating focus across school to increase awareness of a balanced diet through a focus on the contents of school meals and packed lunches.
Working with our school chef, Mrs Traynor, to showcase our restaurant through the delivery of theme day and parent taster sessions.
Developed road safety awareness though a 'design a poster campaign' open to all children in the school.
What next for the school council?
During the academic year or 2022-2023 the school council will be focusing on our lunchtimes at school. The council are currently choosing their focus areas and these will be updated on our website soon.