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St Thomas C of E Primary School Redesign home page

St Thomas' Church of England
Primary & Nursery School

How are children with SEND identified and assessed?

We identify pupils who are not making expected progress at Pupil Progress Review Meetings, periodically throughout the year. At this point we would gather information about the child to gain a full understanding of the pupil’s learning profile to identify whether any SEND is impacting on learning. This could mean consulting with outside professionals to help gain a better understanding of the child’s profile. This could also entail using various assessments within school to establish where a child’s difficulties lie. We would consider all factors that may impact on learning, such as emotional issues, motivation, and appropriateness of the teaching and learning environment, in order to decide if the lack of progress is caused by SEND. We would also take into consideration, feedback and referrals from teaching staff, observations (including learning walks), referrals from parents as well as self-referrals from pupils.

If we decide that additional and different provision is necessary for the pupil to make progress, we would contact parents and put effective special educational provision into place.

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Contact Us

Kenyons Lane, Lydiate
Liverpool, Merseyside, L31 0BP

Telephone: 0151 531 9955
