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St Thomas' Church of England
Primary & Nursery School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. The Government decided in 2012 the eligibility for Pupil Premium would be extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last 6 years. 


This current academic year, 2022-2023 shows a total expenditure of £30,125 with nineteen children qualifying for funding. 


We are delighted with our most recent figures from 2022 KS2 SATs results, which show that the school has maintained it's outstanding standards. The results reflect the hard work of all staff; excellent partnership working with parents and a determination to ensure EVERY child succeeds.


Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Grant is to narrow the gap between pupil groups. As a school we have a very good track record of ensuring that children make good progress, even though historically levels of attainment can be lower for some children who are eligible for Pupil Premium – this is a national trend.


When planning our Pupil Premium Strategy for the year ahead, we take a three tiered  approach. This means we identify areas for whole school development, targeted support for groups of pupils and areas of need and finally, a personalised approach for individuals in need, breaking down barriers to education. 


Please read the most recent Pupil Premium strategy below, which gives details of Pupil Premium, including: the barriers to education which some of our Pupil Premium children may face; how we plan to spend the premium and the approaches we've chosen to address these barriers, along with a review of spending from the previous academic year (2021/2022).


This strategy will be reviewed at the end of the academic year (July 2023).

Guidance for schools on Pupil Premum from the Education Endowment Fund - Information on the Three Tiered Approach

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Kenyons Lane, Lydiate
Liverpool, Merseyside, L31 0BP

Telephone: 0151 531 9955
